• I'm thinking about moving to Idaho, where can I get the best info on different areas?

    The best way to learn about the different areas is to visit! Before you come, check out this relocation guide and narrow down the areas that would be a good fit.

  • Is there more to Idaho than potatoes?

    Yes! So many great things about Idaho that can’t possibly be covered here. But what do I see growing in Star? Mostly onions, corn, peaches, and various herbs like basil etc. It’s pretty normal to pick up eggs or corn from a roadside farm stand too.

  • What if I need to move out of the area?

    If you need to move out of state or to another area of Idaho, I can refer an excellent partner agent. We have partners all across the country so you won’t miss a beat.

  • How's the weather?

    This is a 4 season area. So the Summers are hot, with heat peaking around August/September. Then Fall brings cooler weather along with beautiful foliage and signs of the harvest. Winter is cold and dark with the sun not making a morning appearance until 8:30 am. The inversion can be daunting for some. The snow varies but overall we do not get a lot of snow and it usually doesn’t stick around. Then Spring brings warmer weather and rain.

  • What is the inversion?

    Though there is a technical explanation, an inversion is basically foggy weather that sticks around for a while. So you may not see the sun for a week or so. If you need to, a quick trip to Bogus basin or other higher elevation will get you out of the fog and back into the sun.

  • Is Idaho a "Red" state

    According to 2022 voter registration, Idaho started the year with approximately 134k D / 531k R and ended the year with 132k D / 589k R.

  • What type of schools are available?

    Idaho has many options, here is a breakdown on the different types from elementary to high school LINK

  • How much of Idaho is public land?

    According to Idaho Conservation, 53.4 million acres, with 20.5 (38% of the state managed by Forest Service) and 11.8 million acres (22% of the state managed by Bureau of Land Management).

  • Do you have a question not answered here?

    Send a message to anbgrace@gmail.com and I’ll do my best to answer it!